Bentley LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse Help

Direct Lighting

Direct Lighting Enable direct light contributions from light primitives
Enable Shadows Enable shadows from light primitives (global setting)
Enable Sampled Direct Lighting Enable a direct lighting mode that scales better to handle many lights. This mode is recommended to deal with scenes with more than about 10 lights.
Auto-enable Sampled Lighting Above Light Count Threshold When set, the 'Sampled Direct Lighting' mode is automatically enabled when a scene has more than the number of lights set in the 'Auto-enable Sampled Lighting: Light Count Threshold' setting
Auto-enable Sampled Lighting: Light Count Threshold The threshold number of lights used by the 'Auto-enable Sampled Lighting Above Light Count Threshold' setting

Shadow Samples per Pixel Higher values increase the quality of Direct Light Shadows at the cost of some performance
Lower Resolution Shadows Denoiser Enable for better performance by reducing the resolution of the per-light shadows denoiser
Dome Lighting Enable dome light contributions to diffuse BSDFs
Dome Light Samples per Pixel Higher values result in more accurate dome light sampling
Dome Lighting in Reflections Enable dome light contributions to diffuse BSDFs in reflections